If you ever touched a Rubik’s cube, you know how frustrating this puzzle can be.
Solving just one side is hard enough, yet Ainesh Sevellaraja, a teen from Malaysia solved it in 30 seconds. And he did it while wearing a blindfold!

What?! How the heck did he do it?
Years and years of practice, and most of all, Ainesh had a process! He had a system for solving the Rubik’s cube in a predictable way that was perfected over the years.
After taking a mental snapshot of the cube, he took a big breath, and then put the blindfold on.
Thirty seconds later, he had a perfect cube in his hand.

So what exactly is process?
Think about painting a fence for the first time.
You pick up that brush, you're not sure about the amount of paint you need, or the best technique for even strokes.
You'll finish the job, but it might take a while. And the end product will be a little... rustic. 😅
Now, imagine you've painted dozens of fences. You've got a system nailed down. You know the kind of paint that lasts, the brush that gives you the best coverage, and the technique to get it done efficiently.
You have a process — a codified method that describes every step of you need to take to get it right. Every. Single. Time.
Having a well-defined process is like turning on the GPS on your car. It's the difference between wandering aimlessly and moving towards a destination with purpose and clarity.
This is exactly what Ainesh did with the Rubik’s cube — his process wasn't just about memorizing moves; it involved understanding the cube's mechanics, recognizing patterns, and developing strategies for various scenarios.
This systematic approach allowed him to tackle the cube confidently, even blindfolded.
Processes aren't just about efficiency
They're also about adaptability — a good process is flexible enough to handle unexpected challenges. Just like when you're painting a fence and it starts to rain, or you find a tricky corner that's hard to reach. You adjust your method, maybe change your brush or your angle, but the core process remains the same.

Process is what keeps you on track
A solid process serves as a beacon, especially on the tough days. Those mornings when motivation is low, and everything feels overwhelming, it can be the driving force that gets you out of bed. Having a clear set of steps to follow, reduces the mental load of starting from scratch each day.
By breaking down your goals into manageable parts, a well-established process keeps the ball rolling on even when enthusiasm is running low.
So, how can you apply this to your life?
Whether it's learning a new skill, tackling a project, or even organizing your home, start by defining your process. Break down the task into steps, identify the resources you need, and anticipate challenges. Then, practice and refine your method as needed.
The beauty of a process lies in its simplicity and repeatability. It's about making the complex manageable and having consistent results.
And who knows, with the right process, soon enough you'll be solving the Rubik's cube too! ✌